About our Church

Bethel Presbyterian Church

Bethel Presbyterian Church was established on July 15, 1901 at the former site of Bethel Baptist Church established in 1818. Our church has a deep history in the communtiy and has been a staple in Northport, Alabama for 120 years! We are a small congregation that loves to serve God and help our fellow neighbors.


Bethel Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbterian Church, USA. Our doors are open wide and we welcome you. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will consider Bethel. You can join by making a profession of faith in Jesus Christ, by transfer of membership from another church, or by reaffirmation of your faith if you have been inactive in a Christian Church. Please take the opportunity to speak with the Pastor or an Elder at the close of service if you would like to know more about becoming a member of Bethel Presbyterian Church.